Friday, February 27, 2009

Ppl Woke me up twice...@.@@@

i slept at 12somthing...slept half way i feel some body calling me say my cousin come already,then suddenly mine mind ask me to woke up then i woke up,when i open my eye i saw my aunt's and my cousin looking at ME..wah...i so shock,i go watch my hp see what time now??SHIT,now is midnight 1somthing only,then i cant slept back already,talking with them at my bed...actually i queit sleepy de,i only tahan tahan tahan until 2something...haha..finally i can slept back jor,but i slept half way,got someone sms me...OMG..only 4am in the morning...totally,i just slept 5hour only...very very de tired....@.@

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tagged By ROBIN OOI....

1) The person who tagged you is: RoBiN O0i
2) Your relationship with him/her is: Sis & BroTher ..
3) Your first impression of him/her is: ERm..he really Look Like are Girl Girl..haha
4) The most memorable moments with he/she: Memorable mOment a,i think Heart 6 went to Genting Trip Ba...
5) The most memorable thing he/she has said to you is: Huh??how can rmb le,so many..
6) If he/she becomes yr lover, you will: hahaha..this woNt Happen de...
7) If he/she became yr lover, what should he/she improve at: Erm...i think is he need to improve is dun so girl girl..wahaha..DUn kill me i say u girl girl..haha
8) If she becomes yr enemy, what would you do: Botong him...
9) If he/she becomes yr enemy, the reason will be: Bully, bully, bully and bully..haha
10) The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is: Help Him Find Girl girl lo..
11) Your overall impression on him/her: 很好的朋友...
13) The characteristic you love most about yourself: TaKe Care Cute Cute de Baby...
14) The characteristic you hate most about yourself: Erm...秘密...
15) The most ideal person you want too be is: ???
16) For people that care and like you, say something to them:谢谢你们...
17) Pass this quiz to 10 ppl who you want to know how they feel about you..

1.Yi woon
2.Mun Suet
3.Yi PinG
8.zheng wei
10.Mun Fatt

18) Who is 6 having a relationship with: haha..dun askme ask him
19) Is 9 a male or female: Female
20) If 7 and 10 were together, would it be a good thing: say le??
21) What is 2 studying at the moment: i think is movie...haha
22) When was the last time you had a chat with 3: Erm..i also forgot jor,bec we didnt really chat..
23) What kind of music does 8 like: he famous artist is lee hom and church song ba...
24) Does 1 have any siblings: 4 sister...
25) Will you woo 3:
26) How about 7:
27) Is 4 single: yes she is single now,any finding gf can go look for her,,haha...KD de...
28) What's the surname of 5: haha...No idea...
29) What's the hobby of 5: play basketball,drummer,and dont know jor...
30) Do 5 and 9 get along well: No idea,go ask them...
31) Where is 2 studying at: Home de Computer...haha...
32) Say something casual about your eyes are big: huh???
33) Have you tried developing feelings for 5: No la...
34) Where does 9 live?: Cheras...
35) What colours does 4 like: erm..i not sure o..
36) Are 5 and 1 good friends: idea,may is may no gua...
37) Does 7 like 2: Wah...of cause their is sis and bro a...
38) How did u get to know 2: last year she went to camp lai then know her lo...
39) Does 1 have any pets: last time got de, now no more jor...
40) Is 7 the sexiest person in the world: hahahaha...

DiNnEr WiTh mY C0LleaGu3

Last Nite l'll w3nT Our Dinner With mY Colleague,about 5ppl ate dinner guess what We Did??LoOk Down The PicTure, here got 15bowl of 辣椒...geng le???but of cause not one ppl finish all la, where got so geng, just 2of us ate the most...哈哈..l'll can't imagine how can l'll did it...

MoOdy DayS....

Today DoN't KnOw Why SudDeNtLy No MoOd...TirEd Or gOt aLot tHiNG to tHInK,I FeEl VrY TiReD JOr,BeCAuSe I GoiNg To StaRt MY Other Job...I doN't KnoW StiLl Got Time to HanG OuT wiTh YoUr GuYs oR not...I HoPe Got La...I WaN (STUDY) ma??????I sTiLl Got Tim3 to StuDy ma?I ReallY NO IdeA at All...烦啊.....~..~

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

麻辣晚饭 24.02.09

Ytr nite we went to kuchai Lame one shop having our "麻辣晚饭"哈哈...wuwuwu...their ate until 面红红,流汗,hahaha...just Me and PinG feel Nth..wakakakak....GENG le...Ok la..dont talk Too much time...lOok Down...

~~~ Our 麻辣 BeeF or ChicKen,
4Got jor..kaka

~@ See This Girl,so
WAi sHe...哈哈...

** 一个吃到流很多汗,一个吃到

OMG..WHat Their DO??

---" 1 ParT..

---" 2 ParT...哈哈..

^.^ 完毕...

Monday, February 23, 2009


虽然每天我们只听到 di da di da di da的声音....

Sunday, February 22, 2009



1.我的大名: 没有大名...
2.我的生日: May of 08
3.誰傳給你的: xiao wen 妹妹和Bin Bin,哈哈...
4.說出五個好朋友:Ah ma.Py,pk,lei,suet..
5.生日想要得到什麼: 有‘他’和我一起过就好了~hoho...

6.近期開心的是: 我可以去Travel...haha
7.近期壓力的是: 金钱和时间都不够用~
8.未來想做什麼阿: 成功的....!!
9.有沒有喜歡的人: 我当然。。。。哈哈...~~
10.同學會要回去找老師嗎: 当然会去啊!!

11.跟誰出去最幸福: 最爱我的人~~
12.如果你的兩個好友吵架了: 我会傻了...哈哈:'(
13.跟情人出去最想去哪: 不知道,只要有他的地方,哪里都可以...
14.聖誕節想要做啥: 做圣诞大餐给你吃!!
15.最想要跟誰過聖誕節: 当然是我爱的他啦!

16.有沒有起床氣: 沒有
17.有幾個兄弟姊妹: 一弟和....
18.最喜歡的一首歌(女生的): 最后....但是不知道她叫什么名字..哈哈...
19.最喜歡的一首歌(男生的): 爱在记忆中找你 (林峰)
20.喜歡什麼顏色: 蓝,黑,白

21.上廁所會不會先沖水: 臭一定会@@@@
22.愛不愛我: 爱只会对他说~
23.喜歡男生還是女生: 当然男女都喜欢啊,因为只是朋友而已啊...
24.頭髮有幾根: 来,你跟我去算你的先!!
25.吃跟睡哪個重要: 不知道...

26.初吻在何時: Erm...不知道哦。。
27.身高多高: No Idea...haha...
28.遇到好兄弟(飄飄)妳跟他說的第一句是: Who Are YOu??
29.有沒有一見鍾情的經驗: 应该没有吧~~
30.有沒有性幻想的對象: 当然是沒有啦...

31.跟被你點名的人說一句話: 1)xiao wen 妹妹 & Robin!忘记背后的事,勇往直前,加油!!
32.跟你最好的北鼻說句話: 你是我心里的...???哈哈~~
33.最愛哪個節目: 38 节目就爱和爱情节目~~
34.你會重色輕友嗎: 我不会~~

36.最愛北鼻做什麼事時最認真: Erm...Of caUse Is LOvE me Ah...wakakaka@@
38.你報台帳號多少: 7
39.平常假日最喜歡做什麼休閒活動: 独自一个人在家~~
40.一天上幾次廁所: Walao...mana saya dou le...haha~~

41.最想大聲說什麼: 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊...~~~
42.半夜敢不敢自己上廁所: 看在哪里咯,如果在暗暗的地方,当然不会啦,好可怕...
43.上廁所會不會脫褲褲: 你说呢?
44.我是誰: 和你一样的人...~~~
45.誰很欠打: 一个人咯....~~

46.現在很迷什麼: 潮流吧...~~
47.睡相很差: 有是睡的好,有时不好...~~
48.現在的時間: 1.30pm
49.是否痛恨傳點卷給你的人: 还好我现在没事做,不然,我会.....哈哈
50.體重多少: 77++gua..wahahah...

51.今天天氣: 好热啊...很想睡觉..哈哈...
52.你懷孕了嗎: 不知道哦,因为还没去检查..哈哈....
54.你覺得女生會化妝重要嗎: 不重要...
55.男生跟女生到底有沒有純友誼: 有!

56.愛情的定義應該是什麼: 彼此之间没有秘密~~
57.人類是不是愚蠢的生物: 不知道~~
59.跟你的前女.男友說一句話: 对不起,是我配不上你,好好找你的幸福,祝你幸福快乐~
60.晚上睡覺會不會夢到你曾最愛的她.他: 有...好深刻...

61.你有個很愛的人 你該如何開口跟她他複合: 我不会,因为我要他先開口..哈哈..
62.如果明天就世界末日你會: 我会和他回去我们以前开心的地方。。
63.如果距離很遠的朋友要如何聯絡: MSN...
64:現在是否幸福: 幸福是什么呢??
65:另一半劈腿 你還會原諒她嗎: 不会.不会,不会~~

66.你.妳會選擇一個愛你的人或你.妳愛的人: 我爱他,可是他爱我更深的~
67.你依然相信有真愛的存在嗎: YES~~我在等候我的真爱出现~

(3)不行擅自塗改題目。點名開始 請自行複製

Thursday, February 19, 2009


一根火柴棒價值不到一毛錢. 一棟房子價值數百萬元 ..

但是一根火柴棒卻可以摧毀一棟房子. 可見微不足道的潛在破壞力,

一旦發作起來,其攻堅滅頂的力量, 無物能禦 .

要疊一百萬張骨牌,需費時一個月, 但倒骨牌卻只消十幾秒鐘 .

要累積成功的實業,需耗時數十載, 但要倒閉 ,卻只需一個錯誤決策.

要修養被尊敬的人格,需經過長時間的被信任, 但要人格破產卻只需要做錯一件事 .

一根火柴棒, 是什麼東西呢?


1. 無法自我控制的情緒.
2. 不經理智判斷的決策.
3. 頑固不冥的個性 ..
4. 狹隘無情的心胸.


小时候 (",)


可爱Nerr???deng deng deng deng...
Sh0w Tim3...

=) M3,Lissa and Charley...

=) 1y old Birthdays,when i taking picture i was
crying le..haha..paiseh paiseh...

=) Didi & me..izzit my didi vry cute??haha

=) Guess who is this girl??deng deng deng..
Of cause Is me ah...~..~

=) she same name with me, also call SAN..
she vry sayang me O,what i wan she also
buy for me and bring me out...haha..i vry
love her...

=) My mom and m3...the small girl look like
me ma??

=) haha...who take ths picture??when
this pretty girl drinking her water...haha
=) Lo0K likE me Ma??
=) My Lover {nian ma},when i small
she take care of me de,she also vry
vry sayang me..i vry vry love her..

Monday, February 16, 2009






Last days 16-02-09

Today is my Cousin (Charley Wan Pik San)last day at kl,she going oversea to study for i not really got mood,once she go,just leave me alone here,very pity de lo...i staying with her adi 10 aday i need sleep alone and so lonely...i know 3year vry fast to pass,but still abit weird...erm...anyway i pray for her,when at the fly she safe and reach there have are good hearlty and can meet up are good friends jesus name i pray...AMEN...really wan say bye bye to her already...



Thursday, February 12, 2009

Viva {Bai Nian}


Today {VIVA} went out to BAI NIAN at AH MA (Daisy) and then is PY house...1st we reach ah ma house wait for LEI come to fetch us then we only go to PY house..we spend around 3hour at there talk crab and eat..haha..and take ang pao...around 4somthing we went to pavillian ate lunch and walk walk...we ate saski sushi..wah..we can't finish the food then we suggestion to play game and finishing the food...all wanna vomid jor ah...DAMN DAMN FULL....finish eating then LEI fetch us back jor because PK got work...


@.@ Ist Pic take at Toilet..

@.@ SaN and PK

@.@ Ps N Py

@.@ Lei Lei & SaN saN

@.@ 2Girls anf 2 Boys..wakaka..Kd de..Actually
is All GIRLS..

@.@ VIVA photo...

@.@ CoOl...

@.@ Y this picture so dark de...blur blur..

@.@ Good Post...

@.@ y behind still got one girl de,
who is tat girl le???

@.@ Saski Sushi...

@.@ Every one concentrate looking
at the food...>_<


其實任何事都一樣 總是繞了一大圈之後又回到了最初的自我@ˇ@
所以人更應該懂得知足 而不是無止盡的追求深不見底的慾望 
有時候最簡單 最原始的 最初的或許才是最好...
有些人或許常常在抱怨自己不夠快樂 不夠幸福 不夠富有 
但其實你跌到谷底的時候不滿足 飛到雲端還是會不滿足...
就算會回到原點 也還是走了一遭 
跌了跤也好 遇到挫折失敗也好 回頭看看自己的原點 
那最簡單的生活 其實並沒有那麼糟 對吧?=ˇ=

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
